Tools of nail fungus of the feet

Nail fungus, or athlete's foot is very unpleasant and, unfortunately, a very common disease. Athlete's foot refers to the chronic, difficult to cure pathologies is to find an effective remedy against the nail fungus in the legs sometimes can't for months and even years. The symptoms at the time, it seems that all behind, and nails healthy. But after several weeks of nail plate new yellow, is thick and heavy, begins to fall apart again and have to search for a medication to fight nail fungus, suffer from itching, discomfort, foul odor.


Collect effective drug for the treatment of nail fungus of the feet, not only because the dead of the soles of the feet look nasty and disgusting. The continued presence in the body of the fungal infection has a negative influence on the state of the immune system, general well-being of a person and can be the impetus to the development of other, no less frustrating and more dangerous pathologies. In the pharmacies offers a wide variety of tools for nail fungus of the feet of the different prices. All of them have different composition and mechanism of action is precisely the one which suits him best of all, in most cases, you have to determine the method of trial and error.

A good remedy for nail fungus on the hands and feet and it costs a lot. To avoid unnecessary expenses and not to run the disease, before you go to the pharmacy and it is worth to prepare. To know – to know, what types of antifungal medications are available today, which is what differentiates them, how they work and apply. And, of course, you should always consult with your doctor. Follow their recommendations or not, is a personal matter, but, at least, he will make the diagnosis and determine stimulant.

The main types of antifungal medications

All drugs offered in pharmacies for the treatment of mycoses are divided into two large categories according to the method of application:

  • foreign – ointments, creams, lacquers;
  • internally – tablets and capsules.

To find the most effective and the best remedy for nail fungus of the feet, you will need to install the agent. Various fungi show sensitivity to different medicines, because it is important for you to seek a doctor. Otherwise, the treatment may last indefinitely, worsen the condition of the nails and the unnecessary costs of production. Elect will be prepared of the following categories:

  • Azole.
  • Allylamine.
  • Morpholine.
The varnish

Each group has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. Because it is worthwhile to examine in detail each one and evaluate the effectiveness of the most common of the drugs of them, based on the opinion of doctors and the comments of the patients.

Tools of the fungus in the nails of the feet of your category of Azole

As part of these funds, which come from fungus in the nails of the feet may be triazole or imidazole. They act in two directions:

  • destroy the spores of the fungus and therefore stop their spread;
  • destroy the cells of the fungus.

These medicines can be manufactured in different ways and for external, and for internal use. The tablets and capsules take 1 to 4-5 parts per day, during 3 to 14 days, ointments and creams rubbed on the nails of the board change of the same duration.

Pros azoles

  • They are effective on almost all types of fungi.
  • They are suitable for a treatment of three months and more.
  • They are available in a wide range of prices.


  • Drugs for oral administration can produce side effects.
  • Some have a high cost.
  • Does not exclude relapse, even after a comprehensive treatment.

However, many patients in this category are more effective for a tool of nail fungus.

Tools of the fungus in the nails of the feet of the category of Allylamine

These anti-fungal are assigned in the case that the fungus will become less than 50% of the surface of the nail, and nail bed are not affected. As a general rule, it is the tool for your outdoor use. In more serious cases, these are supplemented with tablets or capsules for the reception inside.


  • Destroy the membrane of the cells are dermatophytes, Candida, fungi.
  • Quickly remove unpleasant manifestations of fungi – itching, peeling, feeling of dryness and tightness of the skin.
  • You can apply it once a day.


  • Are not effective in the execution of the forms of the disease.
  • For the complete destruction of the fungi need a minimum of three to four weeks, and sometimes the course lasts up to six months.

It is important to properly use these tools: first, a purifying and to decontaminate baby bathtub to stop, and then, process the tools of nail-dry-erase skin, and only after this, apply a cream or ointment. Then we analyze the most relevant drugs anti-fungal steps.

Morpholine and other antifungal tools

The main component of these drugs – the substance amorolfine, capable of destroying the cell membrane of the fungus and prevent its further life.

The tablets and capsules


  • The ability to penetrate the nail plate.
  • Efficacy against all species of fungi.


  • Prior to the application if you want to prepare the nails.
  • You need medical treatment long – 6 to 12 months.


The sooner it is detected the fungus in the nails of the feet, and the treatment was initiated, the greater the chances of success. In the early stages, with properly adjusted tool, you can get rid of fungal infection a few weeks with the help of external means. In the forms of the disease will require systemic treatment.